Tuesday, October 20


Today was the monthly arts and culture advisory committee meeting at city of kit.

Lots of discussion about how to involve 'youth' in the arts... Which led to a discussion of which part of youth are we talking about.

My take on things is yes, we need to make sure high school students and grade 8s are involved in the community... But just as important is keeping people out of school involved.

When you graduate out of the school system - you can begin to feel pretty disconnected from groups and events... You just find a mate, buy a house, have a kid and your world has the potential to become pretty small... I am not saying this happens to everyone, don't get all defensive... What I am saying is that there is public programming that would appeal to every single type of demographic in this region - and if there isn't, there are resources for you to start one.

**the problem is this: not that there is not enough stuff to do, but that the organizers and the media (I include myself in this) do not do a good enough job telling YOU about it.

Enough ranting. It's time for chicken curry with roti and some much needed friend time.

Keep reading this blog - and I'll keep you in touch with the shit YOU want to hear about. Deal?


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