Monday, October 19

Pecha Kucha Night - FRIDAY!

So, on Friday, the Button Factory in Waterloo is hosting their first Pecha Kucha Night.

Pecha Kucha (meaning "chat" in Japanese) is a style of presentation - where each person talks for 6 minutes and 40 seconds while showing 20 slides... 20 slides x 20 seconds each.
Basically a laid back version of Ignite or TED...

I'm speaking at it! Whoa!
Wanna come?

Here's the details.
Friday October 23rd
Starts 8:20pm
Button Factory, 25 Regina St. S
(pretty sure there's going to be a cash bar - lemme confirm though)

Me. about magazines... past, present, future-ish.
Crystal Bradford (recycled materials for making art)
Elizabth Fenuta (architectural design)
Liam Kijewski (eco-friendly theatre and arts?)
Ashley Snell (sustainable architecture)
Carolyn Young (jewellery design)

Oh man! Who's excited??

1 comment:

  1. that is the coooolest. i was gonna say oh you mean like ignite? and then you said it.

    i wanna come but i cant cause james has a show that night. booo. get someone to video tape you!


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