Monday, November 16

Life altering.

Two great life altering experiences in the last 24 hours. not bad for a Sunday/Monday.

Last night, i made P check out "The September Issue" with me at the Princess Orig as planned.

It was so great. I loved it. No like-able characters, no moment of seeing Anna Wintour as some tortured soul that should be pitied... just insane, white-walled, honest reporting of what it's like to be around the most iconic woman in fashion, and one of the most influential people in publishing.

I could argue for hours about how fashion is art - but i won't, because that would be boring. And this definitely isn't to say that i think that i know anything about the art of personal style. But as far as documenting the process, skills and courage that goes into creating a magazine - this film should be praised.

I don't think it will be long before print magazines are few and far between, and it's nice to know that it is captured for future generations to look back on, if only to recoil in disgust of our period of waste and excess.

Rant complete.

Life altering experience #2 - listening to Chris Hughes, co-founder of Facebook at the Communitech launch of Entrepreneur Week.

I mean, COME. ON. this guy is 25 years old and has already built a COMMUNITY that has changed our generation - and every generation to follow us. Amazing and inspiring.

I was most inspired by the facebook principle of "iterate and analyze". This is the idea that you must think of the BIG PICTURE or end result of a product and then break it down into little tiny pieces and aim to complete the first piece - launch and test and analyze - and then build on it, which could mean either changing the direction completely or mild tweaks.

For all of you that wonder where the fuck this blog is going - that's where.

Working on the next iteration of what RQ can be, based on analyzing the current product and how you all interact with it - and then relaunching with the next phase and the next and then the next, until we have a product that truly serves the local news needs of our community.
If you can help me with this - i'd love to chat with you.
email me.

More posts to come today.
Thanks for reading,

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