Thursday, February 4

thank you Boing Boing.

P brought this little piece of amazingness to my attention last night - he found it on Boing Boing.

From the article: "Using your mouse's scroll-wheel (or, more fittingly, if more uncontrollably, two fingers on your MacBook trackpad), Tripping requires you to solve a series of vaguely Through-The-Looking-Glass-inspired puzzles, all plays on rotational mechanics: unlocking safes, spinning windmills to blow seeds into pots, or manipulating time itself to help White Rabbits make their train.

Which again, fair enough on its own, but it layers on top of that a turntabilist scratch effect with backing music by Gorillaz, Beck, Death Cab for Cutie, and Spoon and Peter-Pan-record narration of Alice's adventures in Wonderland."

Uhmmmm, amazing.



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