Wednesday, February 10

Tired, but worth it.

Oh man, I HATE waking up when it is still dark and today I was up at 6:20... which means it was still dark.

Luckily, I was headed to a meeting at Seven Shores, so the coffee was poured by 7:01.
A small group of us had a quick conversation about social ventures in the community - and how they can help each other to keep the ball rolling. Stay tuned for more updates on this in March!

The thing about waking up at 6 something, is that by the time it's 9, my brain is pretty much fully functioning - so today should be fairly productive.

Saying that - i'm on the go until10pm.
Eeeech. Will definitely need some Java and potentially a nap around 3pm.

Hopefully lots of updates over the day, so come back soon,

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